Monday, December 24, 2007

Ho, Ho, . . . forget it

Merry Christmas Eve! Are you working? I am! Luckily, it's from home. And luckily I have a case of writer's block of the I-don't-know-enough-about-this-case-to-write-a-good-brief variety. I'm really not complaining though because I thought the work situation would be much worse than it really is. And I could theoretically not work at all over the holidays, but I fear the consequences of that decision.

So far I have had a decent December. The weekends have mostly been all mine. Got my shopping done mostly on time. I like how "mostly" has become sort of the best I can hope for these days when it comes to my personal life.

Today I would like to send a shout-out to Jennifer Love Hewitt. She was raked over the coals recently by a celebrity tabloid so skeezy that even I won't read it (okay, I might read it, like at the salon, but I wouldn't ever buy it, unless they were out of Us Weekly and People) because she's an untoned size 2. Of course, I think it's cruel to splash unflattering images of any woman across the pages of a magazine for the purpose of us all having a good laugh at her expense. But I would like to thank her for bringing to the public's attention the little-known fact that chubby comes in all shapes and sizes. Even a humble size 00 can have an impressive jelly roll across the middle and battles the belly button shadow that inevitably happens when gut meets a cotton t-shirt. Some of us just come in small packages, and I don't know know why we don't expand. But, cut us open and do we not bleed cheese? The answer is yes; some of us do, in fact, bleed cheese (and assorted preservatives).