Monday, April 28, 2008

All is well

So I may or may not have actually screwed up last week; we can't really tell for sure. So far no one seems to have noticed. And we're just crossing our fingers that no one will.

Today I did my first courtroom thing. And only messed up like a tiny bit. I got to argue some sentencing stuff in federal court; it was a good beginner thing since we were expecting the worst and got better than that. Yay me!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Like I needed another reason to feel stupid

I've been told over and over again that, as a lawyer, I will screw up. It's just a matter of when. It's sort of like getting a new car and then waiting for the inevitable door ding. Well, it happened. And it sucked. And it was the dumbest, most rookie-ass mistake I could have made. At least when I got my first door ding, I could just relax and stop caring about door dings - when you have one, what's the biggie if you get another. Not so much with the screw-up. I just feel like a tool. No one yelled at me, though. Which is nice.

I have my first court appearance on Monday. Pray for my client. Apparently I am an idiot.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best. Show. Ever.

So I never really got into the Real Housewives of Orange County. The Real Housewives of NYC? Totally awesome. Never underestimate the power of reality television to make you feel better about yourself because, basically, you're a good human being and not insane. You just don't know who to feel saddest for - the obvious social climbers who probably aren't ever going to be rich enough to hang out with the real money in NYC or the 40-something who dresses like she's 18 and is constantly on the verge of exposing her vajayjay to anyone on the scene at whatever ridiculuous clubs she's going to.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Not so much

Looks like a weekend not spent working wasn't in the cards for me this week. Is it just me or is litigation fun except for all the things that happen before and after the trial?

And it looks like a UT Alum will be making his home at One First Street in 2009. That should be good for like one point in the rankings, right? (Which rankings? Doesn't matter, given at least one relatively recent and proud reference to UT's high spot on's rankings. WTF?). In all seriousness, it's pretty sweet. And I have every intention of getting my Clarence Thomas autobiography into his hands for an autograph. Tacky? Tasteless? Absolutely. But the only class I have is low, so I guess I'm not bothered.

And here's yet another shout out to Frank, apparently the state's, country's, and even the world's leading expert on non-signatory estoppel. Ditch private practice and make a career of this, dude. Judging by the publishing records of some faculty, it's totally doable.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Highlight of my social calendar

Let's just say that I don't actually have much of a social calendar, which might explain why the Law Review Banquet is the highlight. But I always have a super time and last night was no exception. A perfect black taffeta shirt-dress (it has pockets; there is nothing better than a dress with pockets). I love getting dressed up and looking all fierce and if you grow you hair out, people automatically think you're prettier than you used to be and tell you how great you look. Judge Southwick seemed like a nice guy. And I told a federal court of appeals judge that she has fierce hair (what? She is still a woman and maybe, just maybe, she appreciated someone going to the shallow instead of just kissing her robed ass?). The best part? The lady trying to hook Nate up with a bevy of college-age beauties. It was the weirdest thing ever. He's such a stud.

Minimal work this weekend, I hope. Trying to not hate your existence is hard when your weekend gets fucked with.