Saturday, April 26, 2008

Like I needed another reason to feel stupid

I've been told over and over again that, as a lawyer, I will screw up. It's just a matter of when. It's sort of like getting a new car and then waiting for the inevitable door ding. Well, it happened. And it sucked. And it was the dumbest, most rookie-ass mistake I could have made. At least when I got my first door ding, I could just relax and stop caring about door dings - when you have one, what's the biggie if you get another. Not so much with the screw-up. I just feel like a tool. No one yelled at me, though. Which is nice.

I have my first court appearance on Monday. Pray for my client. Apparently I am an idiot.

1 comment:

blogazon said...

Good luck w/ the judge.