Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best. Show. Ever.

So I never really got into the Real Housewives of Orange County. The Real Housewives of NYC? Totally awesome. Never underestimate the power of reality television to make you feel better about yourself because, basically, you're a good human being and not insane. You just don't know who to feel saddest for - the obvious social climbers who probably aren't ever going to be rich enough to hang out with the real money in NYC or the 40-something who dresses like she's 18 and is constantly on the verge of exposing her vajayjay to anyone on the scene at whatever ridiculuous clubs she's going to.


blogazon said...

At times like this, I wish I had cable.

Unknown said...

Oh my God, isn't it wonderfully trashtastic?! I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks so!