Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The ethics of friending

I still don't totally understand what I'm supposed to be doing with Facebook.  I am however, experiencing the issues associated with friending.  There's a girl I know who pinged me on LinkedIn a little while back and even included a personal message about how I wasn't in California like I was supposed to be (don't bring it up; it makes me cry).  Haven't seen her since right before the clerkship.  I was in her wedding my 2L year of law school.  So I e-mailed her back to see if she wanted to get together now that I'm back in town.   No response.  That's cool.  Maybe she's busy.  She's on Facebook so I sent her a friend request.  Nothing.  Silence.  Is she mad I didn't invite her to my wedding?  It was a small affair!!  If she would e-mail be back, maybe she would know that.  It's like the unrequited friend request is the confirmation of the death of a friendship.   So sad.  I mean, I know I totally suck at keeping in touch, but is that really a reason to not accept a friend request from a bridesmaid??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm on facebook.  I don't get it.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it.  But I hear it's where the cool kids go.  And the nerds, too.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To be or not to be

The professional woman.  Sure, I realize that I need to recognize the common mistakes that women make in terms of underplaying our strengths and smarts.  And I try not to do those things.  I try not to stand with my legs crossed, because that's apparently super-girlie.  But damn it if I'm going to start shopping exclusively in the St. Johns section of Nordstrom and trading in my awesome shoes for sensible shoes.  Maybe my button down has a slight puff sleeve.  And maybe I'm pushing it with the peeptoes.  It's not like I'm rocking a Pucci minidress at work.  And, my gosh, I will not fill my life with blazers (to make my shoulders look broad and square) and strip all of the fun parts of being a woman from my life.*

So maybe I will make a stand.  Or I'll give in and stock up on blazers.  But that's not going to happen now and, if it does, I know it will come after a long, hard fight.  

R.I.P. Nemo the fish.  Something happened to you early on and you spent the next three years hiding in your castle, like a finned Quasimodo.  Sure, you were shaped like an "S" and had the use of only one fin.  But you soldiered on.  And in your last months, you finally came out of your castle and hung out with us.  So long, little buddy. 

* It was suggested that I go by my full name, even though I haven't gone by that name for many years (I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind the suggestion and I'm not sure that a man would be given the same suggestion).  It's not like I'm asking people to just call me Bubbles.