Sunday, April 08, 2007

Breaking all the rules

I refuse to abide by the gazillion different rules for addressing envelopes. No nicknames. Why would I call Tom "Thomas"? He's not Thomas, he's Tom. Unmarried couples that live together can't have their names on the same line. Why not? Some of these people are practically married. Order of names. There's rules for that, too. Screw it. Hopefully, my friends won't notice that I don't care about this finer point of etiquette. And if they notice, hopefully they won't care. And if they care, they have been hiding this side of themselves from me. I bet they also secretly know all what all the little forks and spoons are for, too. I say boo to these weird rules.

And the envelopes will be addressed in my shitty handwriting. Because, yes, I will admit to being too budget-conscious to hire a calligrapher for envelopes that will be thrown away. I find it interesting that it's considered uncouth to use a printer and a nice font when addressing envelopes. It apparently communicates to your guests that they aren't important enough for you to take the time to address the envelopes yourself. But hiring someone to address them for you says that, although you didn't take the time to address the envelopes yourself, you paid someone to do so. Whaaa?? I think that some calligraphers' union came up with this rule of etiquette. I bet Miss Manners was on the take when this little gem came to be a rule.


seedless grape said...

Where on earth are you getting all these rules from? I didn't know these rules, and I bet 90% of the people receiving invitations to your wedding don't, either. I say you print the labels and be done with it!

you like raisins said...

Wedding porn. You learn lots of stupid things by reading wedding porn (i.e.,, instyle weddings). And then you realize that the only other people who know these rules are fellow readers of wedding porn.

Administrator said...

I remember wondering how we were supposed to address something to my cousin who is a doctor, but her husband is not. We couldn't find the rule for when the wife is a doctor and the husband is not. That pretty much summed up how stupid and archaic those rules are for me.

We printed our invitations on my parent's computer and Mrs. Underground hand addressed the envelopes and no one sent them back in disgust. Anyone who actually cares is three kinds of douche and you probably don't want them at your wedding anyway.

Wendell said...

This is your most insightful post yet. The rules are absurd, we too printed our envelopes. I figured it was easier for me, looked nicer, and was more likely to be delivered to the correct address (since it was legible).

Do it your own way, your own style and don't worry about what the elitist think...unless it's your boss or someone you want/need to impress.

you like raisins said...

I maintain that all of my posts are insightful. Seriously, have you ever tried to use an epilator?