Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thank you Billy Blanks

Yes, I am doing Tae Bo.  The workout craze of the, what, late nineties?  So I'm 10 years too late. Whatever.  All I know is that I totally touched my toes yesterday.  I have never been able to touch my toes.  Even when i was little and in gymnastics and could do the splits with my face on the floor.  But I could practically put my palms on the floor yesterday after 35 minutes with Billy Blanks.  Yippee!!  I do, however, look like a total ass when doing tae bo.  My coordination is such that cardio can only be done in the privacy of my own home.

I'm also taking a beginner yoga class with a friend.  I can't bring myself to "om."  It's just not me.  But the after-class tea is super-yummy.    Only issue us that there's totally a ringer in there who raises her hand and uses fancy yoga words.  I like to shoot her the stink eye.  A lot.  Along with the people who are there because they used to "study yoga" but fell out of practice.  It's like there's all these people who visited an ashram once and now say that they were students of yoga.  Why the beginner class, folks?  I'm sure yoga class isn't the place to judge.  Whatever.  I'm a judger.  Sue me.  Maybe I just need more yoga.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Pay Attention Kids

If you're 17 and you and your friends decide a group tattoo outing is a good idea: Stop.  Turn around.   And run away.  Sure, your friends will think you're lame (if they already don't).  But you will be laughing your ass off when those same friends, 12 years later, are sitting on their couches with an ice pack covering a big, burning, bleeding (in this case, turtle-shaped) scab.  

The lady said the laser would hurt less than laser hair removal.  I can say with total confidence that she was totally full of shit.

I love the aftermath of youthful idiocy...