Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Alternate universe

I am living in a Twilight Zone episode. I have been hosed by apartments and landlords to the point where I pretty much expect to be ripped off. The shoe is now on the other foot. My landlady for my most recent apartment gave me back all of my deposits before I left, asking that the place be as clean as it was when I moved in. Seeing as how I moved in to find the old tenant's unwanted food in the fridge, used soap and toiletries in the bathroom, and random crap in the closets, I didn't think the cleaning was too tall of an order. And I'm not the type to take my deposit back and just leave the place a mess. So I cleaned. I scrubbed. Even on one of the days when there was no power and it was a zillion degrees in the apartment. I got an e-mail from the landlady today saying that I left the place in a hideous state. Tried to make me feel all kinds of guilty about taking her money. She must be one of those chicks who is disgusted by anything that doesn't reek of bleach. No way her kids will grow up to be normal. I bet they have weak immune systems because their mom won't let them near pollutants. Anyways, I know I cleaned and it doesn't really matter - she's the sucker. I have $800 and she's keeping $30 she was supposed to pay me for some crappy used furniture and $50 the new tenant paid for my air mattress. I'm still up $720. Tenant 1. Landlord 0. It's about damn time.

I've been running around doing errands for a week. Kinda tiring. Looks like I'll mostly be a lady who lunches for the next two weeks, though. Tomorrow I'm going to a "how not to fuck up your interview" panel. I'm one of the people giving advice. Clearly no one told the CSO lady who invited me that I actually blew like five interviews before I actually got hired.

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