Sunday, February 17, 2008

One more for the WTF column

Went to hang out near the finish line at today's marathon (big ups to my sister- and father-in-law for crossing the finish line, especially since the SIL's shoe was apparently filled with blood). As an homage to the runners, wore my most comfortable and sporty heels (I no longer own cute jeans short enough for flats, except for my skinny jeans, and who wears skinny jeans to a marathon??). On the way to the t-shirt tent, I spotted the Crocs truck. Featuring a photo of a high-heeled Croc. Why, why, why? You can either wear heels or you can wear Crocs. There is no best of both worlds here. Nike Air + heels = stylish engineering genius. Crocs + heels = nasty, plastic heels. You can't hide a Croc in a heel. It's very Croc-ness makes it inappropriate for heel form.

In other news, I totally rode up the elevator the other day sort of staring at this guy's butt, fascinated by its sheer flatness. It was like a pancake in a pair of pants. I felt a little sheepish until I realized that my co-worker was starting and thinking the exact same thing.

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