Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Austin, here I come!

Maybe for good in 2007. I still don't know what I am doing after my current gig ends, but I don't think I can handle a big production involving trying to replace what I lost. Besides, I am clearly tainted with bad ju-ju. Which is weird because I consider myself to be karmically sound: I don't litter, I'm polite, I almost always offer to push the elevator button for someone else even though I think pushing the button is totally unnecessary, I give to any charity that sends me free address labels, I give really nice clothes to Goodwill. Have I pissed off some higher power? Is it because I so enjoy the gossip mongering of celebrity tabloids? Is it because I spend too much time concerned with inane things like my highlights or the fact that I am an assless wonder whose pants tend to be ill-fitting? Of course, there's the possibility that this is one of those things where a door closes and a window opens, blah, blah, blah. I shouldn't be so quick to take stock.

I will have feelers out in a limited area and if nothing pans out in that area, then I'm headed back to Austin to become a Crackberry addict a year earlier than planned. I have started to look at the bright side (three words: nice ass television; and my other half). Will a firm that pays relocation expenses pay to move you from your crappy law school apartment into a nicer one in the same city? I figure the firm should accommodate such a request. It's not like I'm some Harvard punk costing them thousands of dollars to haul my stuff from Cambridge.

Onward and upward.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!!! Liz back in Austin would rock. And heck yea they will pay relocation fees. Every job I ever had out of college offered relocation. ALK spend over $10k moving our crap to NY and back and you know our stuff is crap. I know Mr. Raisins will be so happy too. Best of luck with the future. By the way, I think you jeans look nice on you.

Wendell said...

I think you mean 'I'nane.

Anonymous said...

I can't feel too bad for you if your predicament means moving back to Austin and earning crazy monopoly money.

Also, I don't know what exactly fell through, but I can guess. And if I'm guessing right, you're missing out on a year of agony and stress. I'd rather have Rudy's BBQ, a huge paycheck, and a crackberry leash.

Probative said...

Ya what Divi said.

Think of the economic opportunity cost you will saving by NOT clerking again.