Saturday, February 17, 2007

Coping seven different ways

Last night was rough. I had a slight case of the blues for a number of reasons. So I parked on the couch with a pint of ice cream, a box of Girl Scout Cookies, and two episodes of What Not to Wear. I think I felt better, if not fatter, when I went to bed.

Then I woke up early this morning for the big multi-boutique sale at the Shriner's Temple this morning. Nothing cheers a girl up like shopping, especially at a sale. Two Michael Star t-shirts for about $30 and a pair of AGs for about $50. And I will admit that I think my jeans come really close to being skinny jeans. At least I know a boot won't fit in there. When I tried them on at the sale I was mostly paying attention to the fact that they're a little snug (nothing a few lunges across the apartment can't fix). Then I got home and realized that they're not the cut I'm used to. But I think they're sort of hot (I needed a good reason to buy some cute peep toes anyways). So I guess my lack of attention to detail while shopping has forced me into a trend. I'll wear them with the girls next time I'm in Austin and see what they say. They better tell me I'm hot.

I got my dress today! I think I love it. It's a little big, so I had to sort of hold it right to get it to look like it fit. I'm liking what I see. I'll be modeling it for my sister and the future s-i-ls next weekend to get a final green light. But so far, I think eBay has worked out well for me.

News from the "what the fuck" department: Britney Spears has shaved her head. I can dig a chick with a shaved head - if you're hot you'll probably be able to pull it off. But if you're a little puffy from all the water you've been retaining because of all the boozing you've been doing, a shaved head probably isn't the look that's going to work for you.


Anonymous said...

Re Britney Spears san hair, it really freaks me out. Its sad to see someone fall so low.


Wendell said...

I guess you just need to eat more ice cream and pack on the pounds so your dress will fit.