Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm blind

I can't see anything. My contacts have been all sticky the past few days and everything is sort of fuzzy. I thought maybe it was time to replace them, so I did. Problem not solved. I would wear my glasses, but the prescription isn't right so that doesn't really help since I can't see much with them and wearing them gives me a headache. I guess I should go get some new lenses to go in my frames. Maybe next month. The bills for this month along with a somewhat aggressive get-out-of-debt plan means I only have like $200 for the month. Which may be plenty. Or not. I'm never very good at estimating how much money I actually spend in a month, so I guess we'll see.

Work was hard today. But we happy hour-ed. So then it was better. But I have a sinking feeling that I am going to totally muck up what I'm currently working on. Then people will be all, "Man, she's got great highlights, but she's super dumb. How'd she even get this job?" And then I'll be all, "At least I didn't overuse the passive voice. Werd." Because that will be all I have to say to defend my work. Because I apparently know very little about the law and sometimes learning it proves difficult and confusing. Whatevs. What's the worst thing that could happen?

1 comment:

The Once and Future TC said...

Be careful with the contacts -- could be a sign of a developing infection. :(