Thursday, October 12, 2006

Seasons! (and other random crap)

The leaves are changing. I am used to the leaves just turning brown and falling off. But this year I get to see colors. Maybe I'll take a drive one day to take it all in. Not this weekend. I will be working all weekend due to an unexpected explosion in the amount of work I have to do. I don't so much mind the work thing, but I'm a little peeved that I didn't find out about the explosion until today. Ah well. My weekends are mind-numbingly boring, so I guess work can't hurt. And I guess as long as I can sleep in, I have realized what I consider to be the most important benefit of the weekend.

With the coming of fall (today the cold front blew in, highs in the high 40s), here's my public service announcement. Ladies, when it's ass cold outside and you're wearing a miniskirt and furry boots, you're an idiot. As I've admitted previously, I don't really have a lot of room to talk. I have taken full advantage of the fact that I work with men who don't pay attention to what I wear by wearing outfits that I am pretty sure don't match. But still, miniskirt and furry boots when it's freezing? At least my fashion sins tend to stem from pure laziness.

And reason #101 why I rule: I fell down my back stairs on my way to work a little while back. It was loud and embarrassing (luckily, no one saw it happen). I banged up my knees and scraped my foot (how I injured the top of my foot falling down the stairs is still something of a mystery to me). Why does this make me awesome? Because I only lost like two drops of coffee. Now that's skill. Grace and skill.


David Mader said...

Oh, man, if you love the miniskirt/boots thing you'd have loved Montreal in the winter. I'm telling you. The McGill chicks would go out, dead of winter, in the skimpiest clubbing clothing, and of course wouldn't take a jacket or anything - after all, where would you put it? But they'd cap it all off, so to speak, with Uggs. I mean, I'm not crazy about Uggs to begin with, but there are certain things with which they simply don't go. And when it's minus forty and you're half-naked, boots aren't going to do that much for you.

you like raisins said...

I'm just going to blame Canada for this.

Anonymous said...

Girls who wear mini-skirts and fuzzy boots are my favorite! Well, second-favorite after the girls that wear mini-skirts and stilettos mid-winter. How can you not appreciate their unflappable dedication to sexual provocation? They're like Indian Yogis.