Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cool wedding

So the reason I am in town so far ahead of Christmas is because a good friend of mine got married last night. It was a cool wedding, very laid back. I wore a dress. I could have worn jeans and I wish I had. Anyways, I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, but she got fed up with the whole wedding racket and just said "screw it." For example, when looking at a venue, she discovered that it was $3,000 for a wedding (just for the keys to the space) and $700 for any other event. What the hell? So her judge married her in her backyard (Reason 101 Why Texas Rules: a backyard wedding in December).

Anyways, I decided long ago to screw the whole traditional wedding thing. I'm still deciding how I'll do it, but I won't be giving $12,000 to some country club just for the keys to the room, that's for sure. My friend has a house in the boonies and owns the lot next to it. So we have been thinking about having the wedding at her house. Plenty of parking; plenty of space; it doesn't cost $40,000. I think my friend is into it; she said last night that she's been really thinking about it. So I apparently have some kind of built-in wedding planner. Sweet.


Anonymous said...

If I were a Texan and planning a wedding, the Salt Lick would be on the top of my venues list.

you like raisins said...

I have been thinking that I'll cater from there. I have always wanted barbeque at my wedding (is that weird or ghetto?). And maybe have some offerings from Texadelphia. Classy all the way, baby!!

Anonymous said...

Catering your wedding from the Salt Lick is totally not ghetto. The Salt Lick is some of the best food you can get around here.

And I totally hear you on the wedding racket. A TLR 3L is getting married in January, so I've heard a lot about her expenses and they are astronomical--even though she's deliberately planning a small, trimmed-down event to keep costs down. If I ever get married, I'm eloping.

blogazon said...

I too say, "screw the whole traditional wedding thing." Hooray for Tex. Const. Art. 1 sec. 32 and DOMA!


Administrator said...

We had BBQ at my rehearsal dinner and fajitas at the wedding. Living in Texas fucking rules!