Friday, September 15, 2006

Glad and glad

I'm glad I get cable tomorrow. Please God, let there be a Project Runway marathon. I haven't seen an episode since the dress-my-mom show. I was supposed to have gotten cable by now, but I had to work when they were supposed to come and it takes forever to get a weekend appointment. I don't know why the cable company keeps bankers' hours. I mean, I could have gotten a weekday appointment in a matter of days. But of course I work. So I had to wait weeks for a weekend appointment. You'd think that if there's such a high demand for the after-hours appointments, the cable company would have more people available during those times. But that would make sense, so of course the cable company won't think of doing it.

I'm glad that I have my job. I am thankful for my job. I love my job. And, after looking through a gazillion applications, I realize that I am lucky to have it.

I'm glad for the book I'm reading. All I had with me when I moved was my boring history book that I finished and East of Eden, which I only had because my brother left it in my car a long time ago. I usually don't do fiction, but I didn't have anything else, so I cracked it open. Totally addictive. I've read Steinbeck before and as far as I remember I enjoyed whatever I read. But I'm really enjoying this one. After that, it's on to other things. EY has assigned me a book that I will buy as soon as I get paid. I'll buy a lot of books when I get paid. The library here is supposed to be good and I guess I could get books there, but I like to keep my books. I sometimes reread them. And I also like for people to see all of my books and think of how well read I must be. That's probably the real reason. Except that no one ever hangs out at my apartment or even comes to my apartment. So maybe I just do it to remind myself how well read I am.

I'm glad that I am doing really well at just being happy with where I am. I have a tendency to compare myself to other people and focus on what I don't have or what I didn't accomplish rather than all the reasons I have to be thankful. I'm getting far better at just being able to look at what I have and be happy for it. I'm sure I'll always be fighting off some form of evil self-doubt, but I'm getting better.


Anonymous said...

I think East of Eden is Steinbeck's best novel. He's able to craft stories about moralism that are't too preachy, but aren't too ambivelent either.

Oh, and I keep all my books, too. I often lend them to friends, sometimes reread them, sometimes quote them, but mainly I think of them as my trophies of literacy.

Wendell said...

I bought that book for Jamie and can't get her to read it. Maybe your post will motivate her to read it instead of all the books at the library.

I think most people like to collect their books. It makes me feel like I've used my time doing better things than watching sports on TV and it is also proof I'm not completely ignorant.