Wednesday, October 04, 2006


My sister got into endodontics school. An endodontist is a dentist who does hard root canals. Which, for some reason, sounds like it would be a smelly job. Or at least smellier than then the job of a regular dentist. The bad news is that it's at the University of Minnesota. She still has an interview in Houston, so maybe she'll get that and go there. Not that I should object to her moving since I'll be away from the great state of Texas for the next two years. Apparently endodontists make big bank. Between her and her soon-to-be-orthodontist husband, I better get some kick-ass Christmas presents starting in a few years.

On a more shallow note, I am a little annoyed that Honda redesigned the CR-V for the 2007 model year. I am annoyed because the new one is cuter than mine. If I were totally irresponsible I would trade in my 2006 for the new one. But I'm not that irresponsible. Yet. Maybe if I had gone straight to the firm and were making three times what I currently earn, I would be so irresponsible.

And, like many others, I am feeling like a fraud about to be discovered. Other than that, I still love my job. But today my brain hurts.


blogazon said...

You should threaten to sue your sister and soon-to-be-husband that if they don't give you kick-ass Xmas presents and free dental work for life for you and your extended family. Why else would you be a lawyer?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your sister...