You know what sucks about the credit card bill? When you look around and wonder what the hell you bought that will take a year to pay off. I mean, I know I bought a couch on sale and the cheapest bed I could find (okay, the second-cheapest; the cheapest one really sucked). But these things together were well under $1000. I got my drinkware and utensils at Big Lots (um, yeah, no one working there had teeth; but there were deals to be had). My dresser is plastic drawers. So, I look around and wonder what the hell happened. It was like I was drunk for three months and don't remember what I did. I know that I don't have any cute shoes to show for it.
So I worked this weekend because of the unexpected uptick in workload. I was not successful in terms of getting anything accomplished. When I took a certain class in law school, I never knew what was going on. Whenever I would profess confusion, my professor would assure me that I understood everything. He called my state of mind "intelligent confusion." I'm not quite sure what that meant. I think it meant that I sort of understood what the relevant issues were, even if I didn't have a clue what the answer was. I just sort of talked in circles. Welcome to my weekend at work (and the entirety of last week). I don't even know if my current confusion qualifies as intelligent confusion. My sympathetic coworker said that I was entitled to a brain fart every now and again. But I fear that I am suffering from what amounts to the brain equivalent of a full-on gastrointestinal blockage. But I soldier on. Because that's how I roll.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
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1 comment:
Truck on girl. And take more comfort in the salary you will have in 08.
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