Friday, November 10, 2006

File it under "not my job"

Today was like Christmas. I got my purse and my frames for my diplomas and whatnot. My office will look all official and stuff. Turns out I need two more, but luckily they're cheap. I did have to call UPS to see what was up with my purse since the online tracking thing was telling me that my purse wasn't coming until Monday. The woman was nice enough to tell me that I was welcome to go the UPS facility to pick up my package. You're a delivery service and you so far have made all of one attempt to deliver my package. Your helpful suggestion that perhaps I want to do your job for you was unwelcome.

In the same vein of "not my job," are you ever in the elevator when someone gets on and asks you to push the button for their floor? I always offer if someone's hands are full or if I'm just feeling extra nice. But when someone is fully capable of pushing the button, why ask me just because I am like six inches closer to the button? Am I wearing a funny jacket with gold buttons or some other odd piece of clothing indicating that I am the elevator operator? It's not like I'm hugging the button panel or blocking anyone's access. Push your own button, people.

1 comment:

Wendell said...

Maybe they are afraid of touching your head or even getting close to touching your head.