Thursday, November 16, 2006

I am everything I despise

So, one of my pet peeves (among many) is when people waiting to get on the elevator don't wait to see if anyone is getting off. But, despite my best efforts and keen awareness of my own tendency to do this, I just charge forward and then have to say "excuse me" and apologize profusely because I have just done something rude. I"m working on it. So, if I charge into you as you're getting off the elevator, I apologize in advance.

Work = craziness. Getting in early, working late, working weekends. Thanksgiving is actually turning out to be a pain in my ass - totally messing with my normal routine. Although I am sure I'll be glad for it when I get to see my better half and Jenn's house, and that magical moment when I have to unbutton my jeans because I stuffed myself to maximum capacity with turkey and stuffing.

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