Saturday, November 25, 2006


I overslept Thursday since I accidentally set my alarm for 4 pm instead of 4 am. The cab driver didn't seem to know where he was or where he was going. Other than something of a rough start to Thanksgiving Day, it's been all good since. My flights left on time, everyone kept their shoes on, I got a seat in the emergency exit row. Jamie and the food fairies made a feast. The best part was the banana cream pie he ordered just for me and pulled out as a surprise when it was time for dessert. I have put back four feasts since Thursday evening, which should go a long way towards putting on a few of the pounds I have lost since moving and that I would like to have back. Leftovers are by far the best part of Thanksgiving. And my fiance. But the leftovers rock. Maybe I'll just make him cook a turkey like once a month.

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