Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Everyone wins

I hate packing. I am glad I bought the new car because no way in hell my clothes would fit into the Accord with the cats. I have a lot of clothes. Which makes the fact that I wear the same crap over and over again really sad. But the more I get sick of packing, the more I think things should just go to Goodwill. So now I have a huge stack of crap that I was just too lazy to pack that someone will love more than I do. I am not even sure that everything I have packed will fit in the new car. Cross your fingers that I can successfully manage to bring it all. I'll die if I have to leave behind part of my jacket collection. I'll really just die. Or mail the box to myself. Whatever works.

Got to see some peeps last night that I'll miss. One of my best beer buddies was among them. I'll think of her when I am having beer alone in my new city. Maybe we can arrange to be having beer at the same time and then text each other. Not sure how effective that would be.

Tomorrow is the last full day in town. Need to run to pick up repaired halter top at the cleaners (warning - Banana basics totally falling apart on me all summer long). I'm having coffee with super pregnant friend from high school that I feel ashamed about never seeing (she lives in Pflugerville, which might as well be Oklahoma as far as my driving habits are concerned). Need to load up car. Need to see Jenn. Need to hug Mr. Raisins a lot.

Since I never posted pics of the vacation, here's some.

Crooked arch in Amsterdam. Lots of issues with subsidence in the city and there's more than a few buildings leaning precariously. This archway was one of my favorites for some reason.

Rembrandt's Night Watch, a really friggin huge painting.

1 comment:

Wendell said...

Good luck with the move Raisins. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new job and "horse country".