Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Danny Cooksey, you are my hero

My hair is getting super long. It hasn't been this long in maybe six years. But my highlights are fierce, making it look better than it otherwise would during this awkward phase. But my highlights are in the red family, so I'm starting to resemble Danny Cooksey, the best chili bowl ever sported on television. You may remember him as Gary Coleman's best friend on Diff'rent Strokes. If you don't remember him, we can't possibly be friends.

So, maybe everyone else has been doing stuff, like moving or having kids or something super exciting like that, but I have been bored out of my friggin skull since the bar exam. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Thank God for reruns of America's Next Top Model. When I can watch an entire season in a day, life is good and there's no worrying about what to do with myself since Tyra and VH1 have planned my day for me. There's nothing like the drama of pretty chicks fighting about who's prettier and having judges tell them, "Catch the light; know where your nose is," or some shit like that. Not to poke fun. I've had my picture taken all of one time and it sucked. I apparently don't really know how to make a face that doesn't look like someone just farted. So good for hot chicks who can be hot, or whatever hot people do. I wouldn't know.

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