Friday, June 09, 2006

one of those days

I have a headache, but the advil is in the other room and I'm having one of those days that prevents me from getting off the couch to fetch the advil. So I sit here with a headache. I'm having the kind of day where you objectively look at your life and should say, "Wow. My life is pretty kick ass. I'm blessed with a great fiance, great friends, a good future, everything." But instead, some evil voice is telling you that you suck and that you're some kind of failure. Which really sucks because you're stuck either arguing with yourself or repeating some kind of self-affirming mantra, which I have found to be totally useless. And it's not a feeling that you can call up just anyone and explain because they will probably want to slap you. It's like Nicole Richie having a fat day. No one wants to hear it, even if she really does feel fat. I can't really sit here and say, "I'm a failure," since it's not really true. But I feel like one today. A big frigging failure with a pouding headache. Who wants McDonald's but is far too lazy to attempt such a venture.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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