Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Troll got married

So my fiance's brother apparently married the troll he's been dating for a few years. Obnoxious? Check. Still trying to wear clothes that *maybe* fit her five years and thirty pounds ago? Check. Swears the best way to get that dream job is to wear Mary Janes to the interview? Really. She really said that.

Anyways, all of these little issues I could handle. But the family is pretty sure that they got married about two months ago and didn't bother to (1) tell anyone in the family about it or (2) invite them to the wedding. Now, eloping is cool. My fiance and I are seriously considering it. But no - these assholes got married in the same city that their parents live in and, according to theknot.com, had an actual ceremony and reception. Without inviting one single member of the family.

The weird thing is that it's not like there's ever been a falling out or anything like that between the brother and the rest of the family. But his new wife does everything she can to avoid spending any time at all with his family and is actually quite mean to everyone (best part was at Christmas when she took all of the presents that the family had given them, put them in the car without opening them, and insisted that she wasn't staying another minute. really, really classy). I totally get not wanting to hang out with your in-laws all the time. But if you're gonna have a wedding and actually invite people, you have to know that not inviting your family for any apparent reason is going to be hurtful. If that's what you want, that's cool. But don't be surprised when we hate your new wife more than we did when she was just your obnoxious fiancee.

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