Monday, June 12, 2006

the trials of BarBri

I think that the U.S. government should make prisoners at its black sites around the world sit through like 20 hours straight of BarBri. I have a hunch that would be way more effective at getting the bad guys to talk than crap like blasting Christina Aguilera for hours on end (and, sad to say, that would not be torture for some of us).

And I've discovered Law & Order marathons in the afternoons. Which is good, because who doesn't love a good Law & Order rerun? But it's bad because, well, everything I know about criminal law and procedure I learned from Law & Order, which apparently is bad for the Texas Bar Exam. Inevitable discovery has saved Jack McCoy from lots of bad search warrants, but apparently we don't have it in Texas. Actually, the fact that I know that off the top of my head perhaps proves that Law & Order will be what saves me.

I think eloping is where I'm headed. I started to think about planning a wedding yesterday and I was already stressed out. I'm the girl who didn't even think to make dinner reservations for graduation weekend. Which meant a graduation dinner of burgers at the Tavern (which has air conditioning). Which isn't bad since that's kind of how I roll anyways. It's all about the bun and the Tavern has good buns.

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