Thursday, July 06, 2006

Baller status: in decline

So I am now the owner of just one car. I am no longer a baller with two cars. My rep is shot, especially now that the multicolored hatchback is gone. On the upside, I am now the owner of just one car.

I actually feel a little bad because we decided to trade in the Civic when Mr. Raisins was buying his car today. I actually got as trade-in just a little under what I was prepared to unload it for private party, so I was pleased to not have to deal with the title and all that business right before the bar exam. I know, I probably got hosed. Leave it alone. But now the guy who wanted to buy it is really bummed out, despite the fact that he probably would have ended up putting at least $1500 into the thing, excluding much-needed cosmetic work. I feel like I let the poor guy down. But, really, I wasn't even sure if he was in a position to buy the car anyways. When I reminded him about the 6.25% tax on the sale and title transfer, he asked if I could make it a gift on the form. Like I'm about to lie to the state tax man for some guy I don't know. Then I told him he had to have proof of insurance to get the title transferred and he was a little perplexed by that. And I'm not sure he has a license. So it's probably better for me that I did it this way.

I'm gonna miss the Civic. Probably because I didn't really ever drive it. The thing was hit by a deer, had a fence land on the hood, and was the victim of a flying tire from an 18-wheeler blowout on 35. It was a little soldier that just kept on going.

Either way, all is well in the Raisins household and I think that together, we are ballers.

1 comment:

Administrator said...

I saw a t-shirt the other day that had a picture of an El Camino and said "El Camino Ballers." You need a "CR-V Ballers" t-shirt . . . even though ballers sounds dirty.