Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Making shit up, with confidence

Day 1 down. Today was only a half day and two more full days to go. Wasn't too bad. MPT sucked. Time pressure of handwriting leading me to the conclusion that I should have gone to Arlington to type. Criminal and Civil Procedure & Evidence not too bad. There's nothing like looking at a question and either knowing (1) this wasn't covered in BarBri so I don't know it or (2) this was covered in BarBri and fuck me if I know it, and then thinking to yourself, "If I were a judge, what would I demand in a search warrant affidavit?" and just running with that. I bet I'd make a great judge; my standards are pretty high.

If I were a bar examiner, I would take the Ronald Mann approach to bar questions. According to the wise Professor Mann, writing hard exams isn't really worth it. Most people have to pass anyways, so why make it harder on everyone with questions no one will know the answer to? When the bar examiners know that most people are taking BarBri or some other bar prep and that no one will bother to actually go read the Texas Rules of Court, then why stick a question in there that like 2 people are going to actually know because they were crazy enough to go do independent research? Whatevs.

For the first time in my life I am aiming for the barely passing score and I feel good about that. I slept like a rock, am eating normally (if not too much since my jeans are screaming at my growing ass), and didn't even want to vomit this morning. It's like I'm a whole new person. I'm not exactly pleasant right now, but it could be worse.

One of my neighbors who sees me walking around in my PJs and unshowered finally asked me today if I lost my job. He probably thought I was in the midst of some kind of depression or something, which would explain my overall appearance for the past few weeks. I'm glad he asked me because I want a good excuse for how I've been looking (homeless). Now if only the people at HEB and McDonald's would get a little presumptuous and ask me why I go out into public looking like ass.

Happy news in the form of Baby Underground. Congrats to them.

1 comment:

blogazon said...

I tried the "with confidence" part but I'm not sure I succeeded. The ones I thought I knew on the P/E are organized and have numbered items; the bs ones liberally use vague words like "unfair prejudice" and "reasonable."
