Saturday, July 15, 2006

f*** you

F*** you property bar examiner. The agriculture code? Constitutional amendments for consumer protection in home improvement loans? What is this shit? What ever happened to the Rule Against Perpetuities and covenants??

F*** you BarBri for making shitty books that fall apart. I'm losing my pages and my mind.

F*** you coffee shop for having "landscaping" that is a breeding ground for mosquitoes who ate my feet and ankles while I was studying. Now I'm scabby. Add a Kool-Aid mustache and I'd look like a 5-year-old trailer park kid (no offense to anyone who grew up in a trailer park).

F*** you maintenance guy for using the leaf blower for over an hour (in a parking lot with no trees. What the fuck are you blowing, anyways??).

Thank you, Bravo Channel, for having Project Runway reruns just when I needed it. Thank you Us Weekly for coming on time so I could have something awesome to read.

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