Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New fun distraction

Two posts in one day. Clearly I am sick of crim pro and have somehow managed to get worse the more questions I answer. Leading me to the conclusion that I shouldn't answer anymore questions.

Anyways, a friend of mine* pointed me to the examiner's comments online, which are available for old exams going back a few years. Some of them are pretty good for a laugh. Two of my personal favorites: "A general partnership does not have limited partners" & "Some examinees did not follow the calendar and assumed that Tom's lease had expired at the time of foreclosure and Tom was a holdover tenant. December 2005 comes after January 2005."

Of course, the fun wears off when you realize that you made the same (and even worse mistakes) than what the examiners are bitching about. But then you read another funny one and feel a little better.

And then your girlfriend calls you to tell you she's freaking out about the NY bar but that her recently published note was cited in a cert. petition after being cited and quoted by a federal district court after getting an unsolicited shout out from a grand puba of commerical law. And then you feel shitty again. Since you can't string together two sentences into a coherent thought and add footnotes.

And then you read that Mrs. Underground is potentially due to give birth during the bar exam, and you feel less like peeing yourself.

On a totally unrelated and stupid note, I saw that Kid Rock and Pam Anderson are getting married. I guess they're on again. Which is only weird/interesting to me because I had a dream the other night that two of my fish were like mer-people, and one was Pam Anderson and one was Tommy Lee. And they were fighting. And she tried to cheer him up by shaking her huge boobs in his merman face. I wonder what that means . . . .

* big ups to Mr. Ziebeinicki.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is some funny shit!