Sunday, July 23, 2006

Moving to the Hinterlands

So I decide to see about opening an account at a large, national bank since I'll be moving about for the next few years and that may be easier on me than the local credit union. Either a lot of banks have really shitty web sites that won't allow me to tell if there's a branch in the holler where I'll be living or the holler where I'll be living is serviced by few national banks. A little frustrating. But luckily Chase is there. Which will be like old times since BankOne is now Chase and my first account ever was at BankOne back home in A-town (Eagles football rules!!!).

It was a little surprising to me because it's not like I'm moving to BFE. It's a college town. Then again, so is College Station, so I guess that's not saying much. Although I hear it's kind of like Austin-a little blue dot in a sea of red. I don't know how blue it will be, but it's definitely probably at least purplish.

And my apartment is apparently within walking distance of beer and coffee. Awesome. Life will be perfect if I can find passable sushi. One should probably be really picky when it comes to sushi, but I'm not. That's probable gross and I am sure I'll pay the price one day, but whatever.

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